Heroscape Toe-to-Toe Combat Calculator

created by Matthew Gray [homepage, blog, heroscape review, unit card creator]

This simulator allows you to simulate combat between two Heroscape units. The units are assumed to be "toe-to-toe", that is, they are both within each others combat range. For this reason, you cannot enter the unit's range. For this simulation, it is irrelevant. Similarly, movement is irrelevant.

The units fight until one is destroyed. This is repeated 1000 times.

Currently, three special powers are selectable, Double Attack (attack twice), Accurate Attack (each hit counts double), and Counterstrike (surplus shields count as hits). I welcome feedback, either as email or postings.

Simulate a combat between:

Unit 1




Double Attack: as Syvarris

Accurate Shot: as Snipers

Counterstrike: as Samurai

Unit 2




Double Attack: as Syvarris

Accurate Shot: as Snipers

Counterstrike: as Samurai